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// // simple unpacker/deobfuscator for scripts messed up with // You really don't want to obfuscate your scripts there: they're tracking // your unpackings, your script gets turned into something like this, // as of 2011-04-25: /* var _escape = 'your_script_escaped'; var _111 = document.createElement('script'); _111.src = '' + '&ref=' + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL); var 000 = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; 000.appendChild(_111); document.write(unescape(_escape)); */ // // written by Einar Lielmanis // // usage: // // if (MyObfuscate.detect(some_string)) { // var unpacked = MyObfuscate.unpack(some_string); // } // // var MyObfuscate = { detect: function (str) { if (/^var _?[0O1lI]{3}\=('|\[).*\)\)\);/.test(str)) { return true; } if (/^function _?[0O1lI]{3}\(_/.test(str) && /eval\(/.test(str)) { return true; } return false; }, unpack: function (str) { if (MyObfuscate.detect(str)) { var __eval = eval; try { eval = function (unpacked) { if (MyObfuscate.starts_with(unpacked, 'var _escape')) { // fetch the urlencoded stuff from the script, var matches = /'([^']*)'/.exec(unpacked); var unescaped = unescape(matches[1]); if (MyObfuscate.starts_with(unescaped, '')) { unescaped = unescaped.substr(0, unescaped.length - 9); } unpacked = unescaped; } // throw to terminate the script unpacked = "// Unpacker warning: be careful when using for your projects:\n" + "// scripts obfuscated by the free online version may call back home.\n" + "\n//\n" + unpacked; throw unpacked; }; __eval(str); // should throw } catch (e) { // well, it failed. we'll just return the original, instead of crashing on user. if (typeof e === "string") { str = e; } } eval = __eval; } return str; }, starts_with: function (str, what) { return str.substr(0, what.length) === what; }, ends_with: function (str, what) { return str.substr(str.length - what.length, what.length) === what; }, run_tests: function (sanity_test) { var t = sanity_test || new SanityTest(); return t; } };
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